Swift: How to display permission to track in iOS 14.5 and above in Swift?

Akarsh Seggemu
2 min readJun 5, 2022

Displaying permission to track is a professional way to inform the user of the application that this application will use the app-related data to track the user or device. The user can either choose “Allow” option which is an opt-in for tracking or “Ask App Not to Track” option which is an opt-out from tracking.

You can think about this feature as similar to a permission which shows two options, “Allow cookies” or “Decline cookies” when we visit a website.

To whom is this article for?
If you are going to publish an application in iOS and are targeting users who are on a device version of iOS 14.5 and above. You need to follow the guidelines mentioned in Apple developer documentation — Asking Permission to Track

How to display permission?

To display permission, we need to implement the methods of the framework — App Tracking Transparency

You must import the framework in your project

import AppTrackingTransparency

As this framework, methods are available only for iOS 14 and above.

  1. You must add an if statement to check if the iOS version is 14 and above.
  2. Use the method requestTrackingAuthorization(completionHandler:) to display permission to track.
    Note: This is permission will only be displayed once to the user during the first time the user has opened the application.
if #available(iOS 14, *) {
// Display permission to track
ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization(completionHandler: { status in
switch status {
case .notDetermined:
print("Unknown consent")
case .restricted:
print("Device has an MDM solution applied")
case .denied:
print("Denied consent")
case .authorized:
print("Granted consent")

The above code will display permission to track the user.

  1. The case .authorized meant the user has authorized the application.
  2. The case .restricted meant the display permission not shown to the user and also tracking restricted.
  3. The case .denied meant the user has not authorized the application.
  4. The case .notDetermined meant the application cannot determine the authorisation status for access.

I hope my article helps you understand how to display permission in iOS using Swift.

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Akarsh Seggemu

IT Team Lead | MSc in Computer Science from Technische Universität Berlin | Writing articles to Empower Software Engineers and IT Leaders