Akarsh Seggemu, M.Sc.CI: Get the list of users who have accessed Jenkins using Groovy scriptIn my previous article https://akarshseggemu.medium.com/ci-configuring-jenkins-to-support-azure-active-directory-ad-d497a177aafd I shared…Mar 24, 2024Mar 24, 2024
Akarsh Seggemu, M.Sc.Bash: Script to check node.js installationWhen you are working on a project where the project is using Node.js. You need to make sure that node.js is installed on the system where…Mar 5, 2024Mar 5, 2024
Akarsh Seggemu, M.Sc.CI: How to test docker compose in GitHub Actions workflowSuppose you have created a docker compose file for your project which containerizes your project and you would like to test it using GitHub…Feb 3, 20241Feb 3, 20241
Akarsh Seggemu, M.Sc.Script: How to write a bash script to run CI pipeline commands for development?In my previous post — CI: How to run docker test on a Node.js project in Jenkins? we have the docker commands arranged in the two stages…Jun 3, 2023Jun 3, 2023
Akarsh Seggemu, M.Sc.CI: How to make username and password credentials in Jenkins pipeline job accessible for Docker in…When using Jenkins CI you often need to make credentials available in the stage or steps or for entire pipeline job. Pipeline job are…Sep 28, 2023Sep 28, 2023
Akarsh Seggemu, M.Sc.CI: Configuring Jenkins to support Azure Active Directory (AD)Azure Active Directory (AD) main feature is single sing-on. Adding support for Azure AD makes your CI system (Jenkins) more convenient to…Sep 25, 2023Sep 25, 2023
Akarsh Seggemu, M.Sc.CI: Docker compose to containerize Jenkins and Docker in Docker (dind) agentTo run multiple containers using Docker it is recommend to use Docker Compose tool to manage multiple containers. Jenkins supports…Sep 23, 2023Sep 23, 2023
Akarsh Seggemu, M.Sc.CI: Configuring Jenkins to use Docker in Docker agent using configuration as code fileDocker in Docker (dind) agent can be setup following the Jenkins installation guide —…Sep 19, 2023Sep 19, 2023
Akarsh Seggemu, M.Sc.CI: How to execute a for loop bash script as build step in JenkinsWhen learning about how to create a build pipeline in a CI (Continuous Integration) system such as Jenkins. You need to try each feature in…Mar 4, 2023Mar 4, 2023
Akarsh Seggemu, M.Sc.CI: How to create a Nginx reverse proxy for Jenkins in arm64 macOS using Docker Compose?My struggles resolving HTTP 502 bad gateway when creating Nginx reverse proxy for Jenkins in following the reverse proxy configuration —…May 7, 2023May 7, 2023
Akarsh Seggemu, M.Sc.CI: How to run docker test on a Node.js project in Jenkins?Docker supports running tests using Node.js. This is useful when you have different Node.js projects using different versions of Node.js…May 27, 2023May 27, 2023